Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's time to clean up our act !!

Hello friends,

It's time we took responsibility for what we are dumping down our drains!

Janis and I at Get Green Inc are doing just that. Saving our precious water

resources are of utmost importance especially for our kids and future generations.

At Get Green we market THE most high tech GREEN solutions in the world. Our 

appliances are NASA based and patented. THERE is nothing available anywhere 

else to match what our unique products offer. NOTHING!! We are pleased to 

announce our affiliation with Vollara Inc. These products are Made in the USA.

Simple to use after setup. Just plug them in and forget about the manual or upkeep.

SO simple, a 5 year old could set them up. At Get Green , we offer you the most 

fantastic solution to indoor pollution, which is affecting our children's health and 

well being as well as the aging adults in the family too. We are dedicated to helping

everyone breath easier within their own homes. Clean, FRESH, ionized air. An 

appliance which literally cleans, sanitizes and freshens the air your family breathes.

We offer a laundry solution. NO more chemicals, detergents and bleach to foul our

ground and drinking water. This appliance uses ONLY cold water to literally clean 

your clothes better than HOT water and bleach. THIS is technology straight from

the International Space Station BUT NOW it is available to everyone on Terra Firma!

We also offer a water solution which allows you to create energy boosting akaline 

water. It removes the taste and detrimental effects of Chlorine and Flouride while 

at the same time creating a water with a -ORP. A -ORP means that this water has

a detoxifying effect, drawing toxins out of your body and at the same time totally 

hydrating your body. The water seems to be "absorbed". TRULY amazing. I have

so much energy now, I often stay awake 30 to 40 hours without a nap or yawn!!

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